Tuesday, 14 May 2013


After a somewhat (semi?)-enforced exile, I'm giving this blogging lark another whirl. Less and less interested in documenting what's on the street sartorially. (Perfectly explained in that notorious article for the New York Times by Suzy Menkes, linked further below.) People have cottoned on to what hipsters with cameras around their necks might end up doing with their pictures, and, unless the subjects are fashion peacocks, they want nothing to do with strangers ripping their look into pieces on tumblr et al. Therefore most will decline their pics taken and if they don't, you don't want them on your site. Ha! The futility of the modern day blogger, eh?!

So, I've decided henceforth to concentrate on the mundane things in my life that grab my attention. It may still be an unusual get-up I spot on the street (only if I am able to have a snap on the sly), but it might be a pop ditty that I can't stop whistling, a music video of some redeeming quality, an ad or a flick (most likely of the art-house variety), to wit, stuff that I'd normally post on my FB profile to a rather smaller audience.

So, BE WARNED, we are indeed saying adieu, farewell or just plan "no" to facion from now on, and embrace the beauty in the humdrum and prosaic! So, HELLO TUESDAY, you neglected shaggy dog, you!

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